Now Available In The Shop
For Sale
Herefordshire Regiment Tie £12.50 (£3.50 p&p)
Friends of the Museum Tie £12.50 (£3.50 p&p)
KSLI Tie £12.50 (£3.50 p&p)
Herefordshire Regiment/Light Infantry Mug £7.50 (£3.50 p&p)
Wall Plaques £27.50 (£3.50 p&p)
Herefordshire Regiment
Herefordshire Light Infantry
11 Armoured Division
Museum Lapel Badge £2.50 (£1 p&p)
Based on the lapel badge of the 1914/19 Old Comrades Association
KSLI Blazer Badge £10.00 (£3.50 p&p)
Light Infantry Capbadge £3.50 (£1.50 p&p)
Staybright with or without red backing
and Anodised
Suvla Bay Centenary Medal £25.00 (£3.50 p&p)
Commissioned in 2015 on the centenary of the Regiment landing at Suvla Bay. Limited edition of 250, each medal numbered.
Suvla Bay Centenary Medal ribbon (30 cm) £10.00 (1.50 p&p)
Suvla 100 Commemorative Programmes £5.00 (1.50 p&p)
Four programmes of events which took place in August 2015 to commemorate the centenary of the 1st battalion landing at Suvla Bay. Contains details of 113 1914/15 Stars awarded to members of the Regiment that served at Gallipoli, which were on display.
Advance at Suvla postcard £0.50 (£1 p&p)
Book - Redan Ridge The Last Stand by Peter Weston £10.00 (£3.50 p&p)
This book tells the story of the draft of some 250 Herefordshire Regiment soldiers that were transferred to the 11 Battalion The Border Regiment and fought at Redan Ridge on The Somme in late 1916.
Magazines & Journals
The Museum also has a number of magazines (Regimental Journals of KSLI, Herefordshire Regiment. Light Infantry, Stand To & Bulletin from The Western Front Association and Magazines from the Gallipoli Association and the Military Historical Society) available for sale.
Digital images £4.50.
A link will be sent to download a high resolution image. The copyright remains with the Museum.
Advance at Suvla painting .
Sergeant Bethell and Bandsmen Barber
Other images are available, please enquire.
Contact the Curator for details - hfdlimuseum@gmail.com
Please contact the curator to ensure the item you require is available before making a payment. Payment may be made by e-payment, paypal or cheque.
Contact the curator with regard to overseas postage rates