Monthly Podcast
A little about our Podcast
A monthly podcast from the Herefordshire Light Infantry Museum. Hosted by Colonel Andy Taylor (Honorary Curator) and Rev Paul Roberts. Stroll with us around the highways and byways of Herefordshire while we explore the story of our regiment and county in war and peace. Special guests, featured items from the museum's collection and highlights from the lives of those who served from our beautiful county... and a pint (or two) of good ale as well!
The attached snap enables you to put a face to the names! Colonel Andy Taylor and the Reverend Paul Roberts record a podcast in the Museum.
The podcast is also available in Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Deezer, Pocket Casts, Listen Notes, Player FM and Podcast Index.
Enjoy - and if there is a specific topic you would like discussed then please e-mail the curator at hfdlimuseum@gmail.com
Listen here for an introduction to our Podcast titled - Just A Walk In The Sun

Series 2 Episode 3
Codes, ciphers and community - a chat with the Sutton Voices HR1 podcast
This month, Rev Paul Roberts joins the crew of the Sutton Voices HR1 Podcast, a community podcast from the Herefordshire village of Sutton St Nicholas. Keith Lawton and Mike Winnell have recorded 33 episodes, winkling out the fascinating stories of local residents and cheering up the community in the face of relentless bad national and international news.
Paul, Mike and Keith compare notes on podcasting and talk about the research work undertaken by Sutton Voices on men on the local war memorial and the men remembered by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission in the two village churches - St Nicholas' and St Michael's. They also discuss the impact of acts of remembrance services in the village.
One man - Robert Garrard, who died with RAF Coastal Command proved a mystery, but the 1939 Register held the key to tracking down his link with the village.
Mike Winnell shares his literary creations - he has just finished his third novel spanning the 1930s and the Second World War. The central character being a member of MI8, radio security. His books Transmissions and To America are available on Amazon.
This leads the trio to talk about the importance of radio interception, code breaking and Bletchley Park. Both Paul and Keith having links - Keith's through work with British Telecom and Paul, whose grandmother was a Voluntary Interceptor during the Second World War. Keith also shares his father's experience during the Second World War, including having responsibility for 6,500 Italian prisoners of war in Egypt.
Listen here:
Series 2 Episode 2
Minneapolis calling! A transatlantic chat with Alyn Tanner
This month Rev Paul Roberts chats with Ledbury-born military researcher, Alyn Tanner.
Alyn, who runs the Herefordshire Regiment Research Group, talks about how he became interested in the Herefordshire Regiment and shares several individuals he has researched, including 975 Pte Tommy Fletcher, one of the "'intrepid three" who returned to Gallipoli in 1965 for the 50th Anniversary. More information on these three veterans can be found in a short talk on our Youtube Channel.
As someone who emigrated to the United States, Alyn also shows the medals of Pte Andrew Harton who made the same journey in 1921, settling in Chicago, where his medals turned up a lifetime later.
We also hear a little about Alyn's own military career as in the British Royal Corps of Signals, and latterly his 19 years in the Minnesota National Guard. As well as the value of social media in connecting people with similar research interests together.
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Series 2 Episode 1
Introducing Series 2
A brief look forward to what will be coming in the second series of podcast episodes from the Herefordshire Light Infantry Museum, including chats with Aly Tanner, regimental researcher and founder of the Herefordshire Regiment Research Group on Facebook, Prebendary Jane Davies, and walks to explore the Cawley brothers of Berrington Hall and elite pathfinder, Wing Commander Tony Davies DSO DFC from Munsley.
Also details of our Museum Open Day on 7th September 2024 10.30am - 3.30pm at Suvla Barracks, Harold Street, Hereford.
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Episode 25
Walking from Gold Beach to Hill 112: A D-Day Special
This month on the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, the largest amphibious invasion ever mounted, Col Andy Taylor and Rev Paul Roberts reflect on the role the Herefordshire Light Infantry played in the days after 6th June 1944, including the Regiment's first casualties, among the Carrier Platoon, over the river Odon bridgehead. They examine the role of the Regiment as part of the 11th Armoured Division, an example of an all-arms force, the extensive training undertaken ahead of the battle and the part the Regiment played in the approach to Hill 112, so important in the battle for Caen.
Our pair also discuss the changing nature of remembrance as the number of veterans from the Normandy Campaign dwindle and the British Normandy Memorial, first opened in 2021. Andy relates a recent hair-raising flypast by the Belgian Air Force at the memorial.
There is also some advice shared, given to British servicemen in 1944 who would soon be liberating a ravaged, war-torn and weary France... including some sound advice on strong wines and liquors!
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Episodes 21 - 24
Douglas Pike’s Gallipoli Diary
We featured excerpts of Pte Douglas Pike’s diary in a podcast episode a little while back, looking at the first 24 hours at Suvla Bay. After a number of requests, here is the diary in full, detailing conditions faced by men of the 1st Herefordshire Regiment at Gallipoli. We’ll publish it in four parts.
2221 Pte Douglas Harry Pike was born in Ross-on-Wye, the son of Henry Pike a miller and grain merchant. He was educated in Weston-super-Mare, and by October 1914 when he joined the Herefordshire Regiment, he was working with his father.
This first episode deals with the first 24 hours, the first and day and night. The landing at Suvla Bay, the lack of information, the desperate search for water, the advance of the Regiment, and Pte Pike’s Ross-on-Wye Company being detached from the rest of the battalion. Douglas Pike paints a compelling picture of courage and determination in the face of very challenging circumstances.
This second part of Douglas Pike’s Gallipoli Diary picks up on the morning of 10th August 1915. Douglas meets up with ‘A’ Company and they spend the day fighting alongside the South Wales Borderers; he is sent back to the beach for rations, and on his return finds his unit has moved. After searching his is finally reunited with the Herefords and he is asked to accompany a wounded man back to the dressing station.
This third extract of Douglas Pike’s Gallipoli Diary finds him caring for Pte Yates, a wounded comrade through the night of 13th/14th August 1915, awaiting promised stretcher bearers, which never came. On reaching Lala Baba the next morning RSM Chipp tells him he has missed the battalion and in the evening he sets out for Chocolate Hill to find them. We then hear of conditions in the front line and how Douglas volunteers for a listening post.
The final part of Douglas Pike’s diary, runs through September 1915 until his evacuation from the Gallipoli Peninsula, suffering from dysentery. He includes fascinating details of everyday life in front line trenches, attacks by Turkish forces and ways in which he acted as a guide to relieving battalions, including the Buffs. Finally, he reflects on the campaign from a hospital camp and marvels at the successful withdrawal, while also recognising that the campaign was “for nothing.”
Episode 20
Walking with the Herefordshire 250: the story of the Lonsdale Battalion
In this month’s episode, Col Andy Taylor is joined by Rev Paul Roberts from northern France, to explore the story of the men of the Herefordshire Regiment who were transferred to the 11th Border Regiment (the “Lonsdale Battalion”).
Paul Roberts visits Ten Tree Alley Cemetery of the Somme as part of his pilgrimage walk along the Via Francigena, from Canterbury to Rome. The pair explore the brave and bloody action at Redan Ridge in November 1916, and the stories of the Herefordshire men involved.
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Episode 18
Walking since the Twelfth Century: a chat with Major James Hereford
This episode finds curator, Col Andy Taylor joined by Major James Hereford, former curator and Friend of the Museum. James shares with us his deep roots in the county - right back to Maurice de Hereford in the 1140s. We hear about several notable "Herefords" - including politically astute High Sheriffs and Pope-defying clerics.
We then hear about James' army career as a young Light Infantry officer in Cyprus, as an Aide-de-Camp in Malaya and his final posting as Training Major for the 5th Battalion, the Light Infantry (Volunteers). A role that found him travelling up and down the country visiting scattered companies and platoons of this Territorial Army Battalion as far afield as Truro and Durham.
James also shares insights from his time as Curator and founder of the Friends of the Herefordshire Light Infantry Museum.

Episode 17
Christmas Special - Testing the Boffins
In this, our special Christmas episode, Colonel Andy Taylor and Rev Paul Roberts are joined by trustee Major James Hereford and assistant curator Danny Rees . Each of our museum boffins talk about their favourite exhibit in the Museum - we hear about the Drum Major's sash, Doenitz's car pennant, a captured Boer rifle and a medal with the regimental number "1".
The episode then takes a competitive turn, when our four experts take it in turn to pose questions and compete for a coveted glittery Santa hat, replete with regimental cap badge. Listen to which stinkers fox our museum brains trust.
If you like what you hear, don't forget to like and subscribe to help us reach a wider audience. Wishing you a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year!

Episode 16
What's Bromyard got to do with the sea, and other wanderings
This episode finds Col Andy Taylor and Rev Paul Roberts taking a walk through the Herefordshire market town of Bromyard. They begin in St Peter's Church in the centre of the town, taking a look at the unusual First World War Memorial there.
Our wanderers then take a stroll round the corner to Kirkham Gardens to the former Territorial Drill Hall. This building, today used as the detachment building for Bromyard's Army Cadets is probably the oldest Territorial building which has been in continuous use in the county.
Then a trip up to the rather windy Bromyard Downs to explore the former rifle range there and to talk about Jacob Patrol of the Home Guard Auxiliaries - Bromyard's embryonic resistance movement in case of enemy invasion during the Second World War.
Finally, windswept and hoarse, Andy and Paul retire to the Rose and Lion pub for refreshment and a chat about Bromyard's adopted destroyer during WW2 - HMS Vivien and their very personal connection with the ship.
If you like what you hear, don't forget to like and subscribe to help us reach a wider audience.

Episode 15
Bill Jackson: from Lucton cadet and Hereford Light Infantry officer to High Sheriff
This month we welcome old friend of the museum, Mr Bill Jackson to the podcast. Born in Hereford, and founder and chairman of Jackson Property, Bill cut his military teeth with the Lucton School Combined Cadet Force and shares he reminiscences of troop trains to summer camps, bulling boots and progress to the dizzying height of Colour Sergeant.
Poached by Colonel Tom Hill, Bill then became an officer cadet with the Herefordshire Light Infantry, responsible for a platoon across Leominster, Kington and Tenbury Wells. We hear of of his experiences in getting to know his men - many of whom had seen national service in Kenya - mess dinners, regimental balls and being allocated his own transport in the form of an Austin Champ jeep.
Bill was given the honour to carry one of the Regimental Colours in the disbandment parade at Hereford Cathedral in 1967 and he relates his experiences of that momentous and poignant day.
However this was not Bill's end of his connection with volunteer units in the county - being a driving force in the Army Cadet league, Chair of the Trustees of the Museum and being "on parade" again as High Sherriff with his old platoon sergeant, Mick Meredith who was Sergeant-at-Arms for Leominster Town Council.
We really enjoyed chatting to Bill and hope you enjoy listening to our conversation. The chat continued after we'd officially finished, and we hope to bring you this extra material as a bonus episode soon. And remember, if you like what you hear, don't forget to like and subscribe with your podcast provider.
Often the best stories come out once we stop recording!
In this short bonus episode we hear a little bit more about Bill Jackson's time with the Herefordshire Light Infantry in the mid 1960s, including escape and evade exercises with the SAS in the Cotswolds and over the Long Mynd, other regimental personalities, the infamous "bunny girl tail" incident in Newcastle and the importance of collecting oral history before its too late!

Episode 14
The Herefords' first 24 hours at Suvla Bay, Gallipoli
Colonel Andy Taylor and Rev Paul Roberts reconvene after the summer break, on the hottest day of the year, to follow in the footsteps of the Herefordshire Regiment at Gallipoli. The Suvla Bay landings on 9th August 1915 were fraught with confusion, frustration and missed opportunities.
Find out in this podcast how the Herefordshire men coped with being landed at the wrong place, with inadequate maps and water supplies, and with very sketchy orders. Our pair look through eyewitness accounts of those first 24 hours and discuss the background of the campaign as well as reasons for the failure of the landings.
If you like what you hear, don't forget to like and subscribe with your podcast provider.

Episode 13
Cadet Coronation Review Special Episode
Join the podcast team on Castle Green in Hereford for an episode recorded at the Cadet Coronation Review for Herefordshire on 17th June 2023. Hear the sounds of a Hawker Hurricane from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and over two hundred sea, army and air cadets from across the county on parade, reviewed by the Lord Lieutenant for Herefordshire, Mr Edward Harley.
Colonel Andy Taylor our Curator and Trustee Revd Paul Roberts explore the museum display put on for the event - a collection of medal groups containing Coronation and Jubilee Medals from 1887 to the present day. They explore the evolution of the early medals, controversies over the methods for allocation over the years and the lives and service of some of the recipients.
Notable groups are those of Ken Steen, the Medical Officer of 5th Battalion, Light Infantry (V) and later Herefordshire Army Cadet Force who received the 1977 Jubilee Medal and Company Sergeant Major Jack Greenhouse who served through North West Europe 1944-45 with the 1st Herefords and was later RSMI of the Herefordshire Army Cadet Force. Jack received the 1953 Coronation Medal.
Listen here:
Episode 12
A walk over to the armoury: the evolution of the rifle
The county Volunteers were known to be excellent shots, winning competitions at Wimbledon and later Bisley. In this episode we take a deep dive into the history of the soldier’s main implement, the rifle – from the 1853 pattern musket, through the Snider Enfield rifle that would have been familiar to the first Herefordshire Rifle Volunteers. Assistant Curator Danny Rees, Curator Colonel Andy Taylor and Trustee, Rev Paul Roberts go on to explore the Martini Henry, Lee Metfield and Lee Enfield rifles used in the Boer War and First World War.
A number of different rifles were issued to Hereford Territorials owing to weapons shortages at the outbreak of war. Andy shares with us the unusual way the Museum obtained its 1915 Mark III Short Magazine Lee-Enfield (SMLE).
Danny tells us all sorts of things about the Bren gun that we didn't know along with other Second World War weaponry, including strange items used by the Home Guard and Home Guard Auxiliaries. We come into living memory with the arrival of the Self-Loading Rifle (SLR) used during the Cold War; an example of which the museum hopes to secure for its modern display. We finish off with the SA80 weapon system.
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Episode 11
Walking in the footsteps of the Herefords at Mount Kemmel in Belgium
The podcast goes international in this delayed episode of Just A Walk In the Sun. Trustee Rev Paul Roberts and special guest, David Chambers travel to Belgium to explore the role played by the 1st Herefordshire Regiment in France in August and September 1918.
Donning their walking shoes they walk up to the lofty heights of Mount Kemmel (or Kemmelberg as it is known today), the scene of bloody and bitter fighting in April 1918 and recapture by the 34th Division, including the Herefords, at the beginning of the Hundred Days Offensive which eventually ended the war.
Our battlefield tourers mull over remembrance and visiting battlefields accompanied by one or two (rather strong) Belgian beers in the famous city of Ypres (or Ieper).
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Episode 10
Peculiarities, Anomalies and Posers in the Museum Collection
In this month's episode, Andy Taylor and Paul Roberts are joined by Assistant Curator and all round expert, Danny Rees to explore some of the mysteries, unanswered questions and anomalies among the museum's collection and men from the Regiment. From everything to confusing first names, unofficially altered shoulder titles to the perennial confusion between "Herefordshire" and "Hertfordshire." (With not a hurricane in sight...!).
Safely within the walls of the Regimental Museum, we also explore three generations of Hereford men with the same same - Peter Broome-Giles, and the challenge this seems to have posed to the medal issuing authorities. We also hear a little more about the Regiment's most decorated soldier - Lieutenant Colonel W F Chipp DSO MC. How did he earn his Second World War medals around the fall of Singapore?
Finally we explain how you can help the museum - for less than the price of a cup of coffee - by becoming a Friend or Patreon supporter. Every penny counts when it comes to preserving the fascinating history of this solely Territorial unit from Herefordshire, in the Welsh Marches.
Listen now:

Episode 9
Just a Moth-Eaten Rag and other Leominster Stories
This month's episode finds Col Andy Taylor and Rev Paul Roberts taking a walk around the highways and byways of Herefordshire market town, Leominster. They start at the railway station exploring the story of the breakfast stop over for the a party of the 1st Herefordshire Regiment returning the Regimental Colours to Hereford at the end of the First World War. Enjoy Andy trying (and eventually succeeding) to remember Sir Edmund Hamley's famous poem about Regimental Colours "A Moth-Eaten Rag"; the role colours continue to play in our army and the consecration of unique colours for the Hereford & Worcester Army Cadet Force in 2015.
They then explore Etnam Street and Grange Court - built by the King's Carpenter, John Abel and on the way try to solve the mystery of George Greenhouse's medals. A little bit more walking takes our intrepid pair to New Street, site of the former Borough Gaol, turned Drill Hall and the replacement Drill Hall built in 1962, shortly before the end of the Herefordshire Light Intantry (TA).
Finally, in the surroundings of Leominster Priory, they discuss the wartime service of former Leominster Vicar, Revd Robert Gillenders MC - army chaplain to Wilfred Owen of the 2nd Manchesters and Military Cross winner.
To slake their thirst our duo retire to the Chequers on Etnam Street for a well-deserved pint and a look forward to some of other fascinating stories that Leominster has to tell when they take Just another Walk in the Sun.
Listen here:

Episode 8
Rotherwas and DORA
This month's episode finds Col Andy Taylor and Rev Paul Roberts in the grounds of St Michael's and All Angels' Church, Bodenham at the grave of William Garland, who died on 27th July 1942. Further research shows that, this Great War veteran died in the bombing of the Rotherwas Ordnance Factory, on the south-east outskirts of Hereford.
Our intrepid pair visit the site of the Royal Ordnance Factory, exploring its history during both world wars, including the fatal air raid, and other dangers and accidents faced by the workers there - who came in from many surrounding towns and villages to do their bit in the war effort.
Paul and Andy repair to the Wye Inn just along the "Rotherwas straight mile" for a pint, and catch up with DORA... with some sobering facts for our wandering clergyman, and sadly no opportunity to be served beer out of a bath tub as happened there in the past!
Note from the editing suite: the location of the ammunition storage facility that our presenters could not remember was at Callow, south of the city of Hereford!
Listen here:
Episode 7
A Christmas Special
Col Andy Taylor and Rev Paul Roberts explore different Christmases with the 1/1st and 2/1st Herefordshire Regiment during the Great War and with the Regiment on the River Maas in 1944. They uncover the shopping list for Christmas dinner in 1914, which included 825 oranges and four hundredweight of plum pudding.
In contrast, they also explore the 1940 Christmas of Fr John King, former Vicar of All Saints, Hereford, in Oflag VII-C - an officer's prisoner of war camp in Laufen on the German - Austrian border.
Listen now: