The Second World War
Casualty Photographs
Cpl Joe Curtis who served with the 1st Battalion was one of the first casualties of the Herefordshire Regiment after landing in Normandy, he was a member of the carrier Platoon and Killed in Action on 1 July 1944 whilst carrying out a Recce Patrol towards Esquay from the Battalion position in the bridgehead forward of the River Odon in the area of Tourmaville.
Bob Curtis, Joe's nephew has researched his uncle's history, planted and dedicated a tree at the Hill 112 Memorial in Normandy and has started a project to collect a photograph of all of the 11 Armoured Division casualties from the Second World War.
This includes The Herefordshire Regiment and so far 112 of 233 (as of May 2024) have been found.
The full list and photos can be seen at: https://sites.google.com/view/11th-armoured-division/roll-of-honour.
If you can help to locate any more photographs of The Herefords fallen then please contact Bob direct or the Museum curator.